SheHacksKE HackFest 2021 CTF WriteUp
Table of Contents
@SheHacksKE held their yearly hackfest event in October 2021 but it was online this year. The event included a CTF that was facilitated by @eKRAALhub . @mystic_kev and I participated in the CTF as NoPwnNoGain and won it by completed all challenges. This writeup is for the challenges I was able to solve.
Challenges: Firmware⌗
1. Camera Kernel⌗
The provided file when extracted contains a bin file that is a linux image.
By using binwalk to analyse the file we see the different file sections.
binwalk demo.bin
The kernel starts at the second section indicated as the OS Kernel Image and includes the lzma compressed data to end at the beginning of the squashfs filesystem.
To provide the flag in decimal we minus the header that identifies the firmware image.
2097216 - 64 = 2097152
Flag: Hackfest{2097152}
2. Backups⌗
Based on the binwalk output we can take the root filesystem as the first squashfs filesystem. We can calculate the size as below.
5570624 - 2097216 = 3473408
To extract it we can use dd command line tool then mount the filesystem.
dd if=demo.bin skip=2097216 count=3473408 bs=1 of=squashfs1
sudo mount -t squashfs squashfs1 mount1
On mounting the filesystem we see the backup folders.
Flag: Hackfest{backupa,backupd,backupk}
3. Semiconductor⌗
By looking around the root filesystem we can read the hostname of the device this image was retrieved from.
Searching this name on google shows this is a semiconductor company confirming this is the flag.
Flag: Hackfest{Ingenic}
4. Leaky Developer⌗
The rest of the filesystem is inside the jffs2 filesystem that starts offset 6225984 until the end.
To extract it we can carve it out using dd.
dd if=demo.bin skip=6225984 bs=1 of=jffs
To mount the jffs2 file system, I found the below script to be useful.
set -e
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo usage: $0 jffs2_image directory
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo usage: $0 jffs2_image directory
# modprobe mtdcore
modprobe jffs2
SIZE=$(du -h -k $1 | cut -f 1)
SIZE=8192 # 65536
ESIZE=$(( $SIZE / 6))
modprobe mtdram \
total_size=$SIZE \
erase_size=${ESIZE} \
# writebuf_size=$BUFS
# modprobe mtdchar
modprobe mtdblock
sleep .25
dd if=$1 of=/dev/mtd0
mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 $2
Once we mount the filesystem as below, there’s a file inside the bin directory that shows the folder in the home directory.
Flag: Hackfest{xuxuequan}
5. Root⌗
The shadow file in the root filesystem contains the root hash.
I tried to crack this hash using the usual rockyou wordlist but got nothing so I jumped to google to see if I get any hits.
Flag: Hackfest{ismart12}
6. Extras⌗
The above solutions were after some analysis of how I believe the challenges we meant to be solved. Initially I did the basic option of extracting the image using binwalk.
binwalk -e demo.bin
After this and looking through the resulting directories and some google searches later I found this post that allowed me to quickly answer the questions.
7. The Rest⌗
The rest of the challenges in this category were solved by Kelvin.
Challenges: Protocols⌗
1. Subscriber⌗
First thing I did was run nmap against the host and port to figure out what the service is running.
On discovering this is mqtt, I downloaded mqtt explorer .
Once we connect we start receiving messages, after a while the flag is sent as a message.
Flag: Hackfest{Howdy Friend}
2. Hardcoded⌗
The provided zip file has only two files inside.
The config.php is somewhat encrypted.
Using this google search I found an article with the decryption method.
By running the below command we can get the email from the config.php
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 3834326434326239383837366635383166306466626566623063643262356333 -iv 0 -in config.php > config.php.out
Flag: Hackfest{}
This was a nice CTF with some not so common categories. Playing with dd was a learning process for me, I haven’t used it much before.
Here are the challenge files incase the CTF site goes down.